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Pastoral Care

At Edgbaston College, we prioritise the holistic development of our students through a robust pastoral care system. Our dedicated team ensures that each student receives personalised support, fostering both academic excellence and personal, providing a supportive setting for students to discuss concerns. 

This system reviews attendance, punctuality, assessment results, teacher feedback, and students' motivation. Students also attend regular one-on-one review meetings with subject teachers, enhancing performance monitoring and fostering an open-dialogue environment. 

Personal tutors liaise with teachers about academic progress, identifying areas for improvement. Gifted students receive challenges, while those not reaching potential are provided with encouragement and specific targets. If students are not progressing as expected, tutors coordinate with staff and parents for tailored interventions.

The College prioritises literacy and numeracy, especially for GCSE students, offering support for those who need assistance in maths or needing English. 


Personal Tutor Structure

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