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Monitoring & Assessment

One of the key features of any successful educational institution is that it should closely assess and monitor the progress of each student, understanding their strengths and weaknesses. At Edgbaston College, monitoring and assessment of students is achieved through a combination of the following:

  • Weekly timed assessments (Assessment Practice); based largely on past papers
  • Three to four mock examinations every year (three at Lower Sixth and four at Upper Sixth)
  • Regular actionable feedback through our assessment and homework systems
  • Regular meetings with both subject teachers and personal tutors
  • Practicals and coursework (where relevant)

Our regular Assessment Practice (APs) are simple yet transformational when it comes improving student attainment. Students are required to undertake a weekly formal assessment for each subject. Topics are assessed retrospectively and cover a range of subject topics. In addition to the College finding this incredibly effective, research also shows that two of the most effective revision and study techniques are those of retrieval practice and interleaving. 

The assessment and monitoring process is guided by the Leadership Team, which meets regularly to discuss reports and data that will identify those students who are falling behind and failing to make progress and then help generate individual learning plans.  Parents are informed and involved in any actions that may need to be taken to get a student back on track. When a student consistently fails to improve, a more detailed intervention may be required.


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